Talheart replied

295 weeks ago

Hindi Star Trek: Horizon Free Download > DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

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In a time prior to the United Federation of Planets, a young coalition of worlds led by Earth battle the Romulan Star Empire for their very survival.
Fan made content is usually way too raw to create an enjoyable experience for me, but ST Horizon definitely sets itself apart and can stand on it&#39;s own even by regular standards. The production value is pretty good and I even liked their cinematographic choice of using blur and lens flares to hide imperfections. It may not be everyone&#39;s cup of tea and needs some time to get used to, but I think it&#39;s better this way than to have distracting green screen sets like they used on Sanctuary (TV show). The acting is also decent, Lang carries the movie quite well and Bussell, Thompson and Kaiser deliver performances around him that really feel like a genuine effort. It still is a bit flat at times and the movie had a few difficulties to evoke emotions in me, but it&#39;s absolutely no cringe-fest like lower quality fan content. <br/><br/>The story itself is also very good, there are a few flaws in the plot but it&#39;s still rock solid and made the movie for me. I got hooked right away and was thoroughly entertained by it. Some of the dialogues could have used some polishing, but that would be nitpicking on an otherwise great experience. <br/><br/>Overall, I can highly recommend the movie to fans of the franchise.
This is a film made on a very low budget compared to other Star Trek movies. I was very impressed with this movie and with the way it was made and produced Sadly I found it was let down severely by the dialogue; (The way that Captain Harrison Hawke communicates with his crew really was not in my opinion the way of a Star Trek captain, there just did not seem that authoritative tone). That being said this was a good film with good effects and acting and if it was not for the aforementioned dialogue I would have rated this a lot higher. Well done to everyone involved this was a great fan made film and I am sure future projects will be even better than this one.

Star Trek: Horizon is a feature-length film, made by fans in love with Star Trek, that is set during the time of Enterprise (the fifth Star Trek series). It is our goal to create a feature film that is worthy of the name Star Trek and that can close out the story threads that were left hanging after Enterprises untimely cancellation in 2005. Kickstarter campaign exists.
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